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Is the Daktela Mobile App Not Working?

Is the Daktela Mobile App Not Working?

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Daktela mobile app.

  • Try reinstalling the app ( or ).

  • If the application launches but you are unable to log in, please make sure you are entering the correct instance, login and password. There are 2 ways to enter an instance:

    • Full name (please use the name of your Daktely instance instead of mycompany)

    • Shorter - i.e. only in the form mycompany (without the extension - please use the name of your Daktely instance instead of mycompany)

    • You will only get to enter your name and password if you fill in the instance correctly, otherwise you will get an error message:


If you're sure you're entering your instance correctly and still can't log in, check your internet connection, or you can try opening your Daktela instance in a mobile browser.

Are Notifications Not Working in the Daktela Mobile App?

Are Notifications Not Working in the Daktela Mobile App?

  • Checks that you have enabled the Daktela mobile app to receive notifications on your device.

  • Make sure you don't have a focus mode or standby mode that blocks notifications. If you want to use such a mode, be sure to add the Daktela app to exceptions so it can continue to receive notifications.

  • Make sure you are logged in to the mobile app, you are in the Ready state, you are logged into the incoming queue, and (for calls) you have a mobile WebRTC device connected to the app. You can tell that the app is ready to handle calls simply by seeing the numeric keypad on the phone screen (and not any warning).

Correct state - app is "online"

Wrong state - app is “offline“:

If the app is behaving abnormally or incorrectly, please make sure you are using the latest version and try reinstalling the app if necessary.

What should I do if I receive the standard notification for incoming calls, like for incoming chats, instead of the expected blue screen notification?

What should I do if I receive the standard notification for incoming calls, like for incoming chats, instead of the expected blue screen notification?

  1. Open the Daktela app in your phone settings

  2. Open Other permissions.

  3. Allow the Show on Lock screen.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.