When you open the Daktela Mobile App, log in just like you would in your browser.
Work with Your Calls
Work with Your Calls
To initiate a call from the mobile app, the user needs to have a statically assigned Daktela device for the mobile app.
Icoming Calls
The incoming call will be displayed directly in the app in the a dark popup window.
An incoming call can be shown as a push notification, even if you have the application minimized or your phone is locked. You can configure push notifications in Menu → Preferences.
Accept the call.
Open a contact details.
Hold a call.
Transfer a call.
Invite another agent to the call.
Mute your microphone.
Put the call on the speaker.
Open dialpad
End your call.
Outgoing Calls
To initiate a new call, either type in a phone number or select a contact from your list.
After typing a number or selecting a contact, start the call by clicking the green button.
Your call will then begin.
Open a contact details.
Hold a call.
Transfer a call.
Invite another agent to the call.
Mute your microphone.
Put the call on the speaker.
Open a dialpad
End your call.
Manage Contacts in CRM
Manage Contacts in CRM
When you open the CRM module, the Contacts tab will be open.
Tap the Filter button to open filtering.
Tap a contact's name to open its details or tap the Add new button to create a new contact button. The contact details will open:
Tap each field to edit it. Unsaved changes are in green.
Tap Account to change the account associated with the contact.
Tap Phone or Email to bring up a menu where you can choose to start an activity or to edit the number or address.
Tap Save in the top right corner to save your changes.
Click the history Button to display the history of changes to the contact.
View Your History
The History tab displays the call history of a Cloud Phone user.
Tap the number or contact name to open the activity detail.
App menu
App menu
Manage your Profile
You can edit your profile or change your password in the mobile app's menu.
Tap the profile button to open your profile.
Your profile will open.
Edit your name.
Enter an email address for notifications.
User's alias, used for example in web chat as a nickname visible to the customer.
Change your password. Enter your old password first and then type in your new password.
Click the Save button to save your editing.
Switch Users
To switch users, tap the Menu icon at the bottom of the screen:
Tap Switch user:
The window with users will open.
Tap Add new or tap on a user name.
The login page will open. Enter you login data and the app will add a new user into the section Switch user.
Manage your Preferences
Change the language
Tap Change language. A window will open with a list of languages.
Tap the language you want to switch the app to.
The app interface will switch to the selected language.
Show Custom Fields
Check the checkboxes to show your custom fields in the tickets, contacts and accounts.
Show Push Notification
Check the checkbox to allow push notifications on your device including your incoming calls.
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