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Daktela Maximum Limits

Client side


We constantly conduct tests on our application, which involves numerous variables. One of the key factors influencing performance is the number of tickets and forms with attachments. In order to ensure optimal long-term usage of Daktela, it is crucial to establish a data retention policy that prevents an excessive amount of data from slowing down the system. Failure to do so may necessitate the addition of additional resources.


For efficient functionality, it is recommended that the client end device has a minimum download speed of approximately 1 MB per agent. Additionally, an upload speed of 140 kb per second is essential, particularly for voice traffic. Furthermore, it is crucial to prioritise the setup of the client's LAN connection to the Daktela instance to ensure seamless operations.

Server side

Passive Calls:

  • Maximum number of simultaneously logged in users (Voice IN/OUT) - 200.

  • Maximum number of created users - 4000 - 5000.

  • Maximum number of created devices - 5000 (using the UDP protocol).

  • Maximum number of call queues to ensure optimisation of call flow - 200.

These limits are scalable. If you require higher numbers than those stated above, please get in touch for an individual technical consultation.


  • Maximum number of views including subviews - 50. This includes views without any optimisation (using “contains” and custom fields).  We are preparing the benchmark at the level the rights setup. When you save your view, Daktela will display a message if your views are too complex.

  • Maximum number of emails saved in Daktela with attachment - 10 GB. If you are importing old messages from you inbox or external system, please get in touch for a technical consultation.

If you require higher numbers than those stated above, please get in touch for an individual technical consultation.

Active Calls:

Number of records

  • Number of saved records - 20 million.

  • Number of items = calls for listing - 100 million records

Number of simultaneously created call activities

The limit of simultaneously answered calls without deterioration is 100. This limit applies to both incoming and outgoing or campaign calls.

If you expect to have more than 100 simultaneous calls, please get in touch. This limit applies to our standard VMs and is scalable according to customers' needs.

Our predictive dialler works using loading bases to the buffer to which sleep is then applied. Our virtualisation can handle 166ms per call, meaning 6 calls per second. Higher numbers can cause lag, delays and deterioration.

If you use your own on-premise hardware, this limit can be increased but it must be tested and cannot be guaranteed. Lags can occur when the dialler collects ready records from the buffer and tried to dial new ones. Asterisk is then overloaded by the number of call channels.

Wait time can be set up to 25s. At 30s, the dialler makes 180 calls.

Issue of Wait time up to 25s is ok. At 30s dialer makes 180 calls, after answer waiting time start to shorten. With bad database (Cold) waiting time is higher. At selected amount of users is up to 2 calls per user.

When there are various of campaigns, rescheduling by user influence of staging and by it response of DB is slower, that slows loading it leads also to slows of dialing.

At this is ideal to have fast (highly clocked) CPU's, plus 6.19 needs more RAM than 6.18 for example.


  • Maximum number of Contacts / Accounts - 10 Mil.

If you require higher numbers than those stated above, please get in touch for an individual technical consultation.

Facebook Messenger:

There is a collective limit on the number of Messenger API calls per hour for all our clients combined. This means that a maximum of 6,300 outgoing messages can be sent within a single hour from all Daktela servers. This number roughly corresponds to an average of 2,500 ongoing conversations.

Server requirements in customer private cloud:

  • HardDisk - Ideally SSD (Write/Read - 200 MB+,  ~ 100 / 200 IoS)

  • CPU Intel - Frequency (3,0 GHz ), number of cores (Lower - 4+)

  • CPU Intel - Frequency (2,4 GHz ), number of cores (Higher - 6+)

  • CPU AMD - Individual - NOT TESTED (Experimental)

  • RAM - 4 GB is the miminum for standard configuration with one main machine only (based on the number of users/services, this may need to be upgraded)

  • HardDisk capacity - Minimum 15GB for a simple configuration. If you need to add data from external system, this requirement needs to be consulted individually.

  • Installations containing more VMs can be run on a HardDisk Raid array.


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