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Audit and Batches

Use Audit to view a user's or group's actions in a selected time period. Actions include logging in, working on activities, editing records etc.

Use Batches to view a user's or group's bulk edits in a selected time period.

Audit and Batches location up to version 6.19

If you have version 6.19 or older, you can access Audit and Batches by clicking your user profile in the top right corner.



Go to ListingsAudit and batches. The Audit tab will be open.

Set up the Time and User you want to see the audit for, or use the Advanced filter.

A list of actions matching your filter will be displayed.

Click the Eye symbol in the Actions column to open the action's details.



Go to ListingsAudit and batches. The Audit tab will be open. Click the Batch tab.

Set up the Time and User you want to see batch edits for, or use the Advanced filter.

A list of batch edits matching your filter will be displayed.

Click the Eye symbol in the Actions column to open the batch edit details.

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