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QA Reviews

Go to Listings → QA Reviews to see a list of your QA Reviews. They are used to rate how well agents handle activities. Reviewers can add them in Listings → Activities.

If you want your operator to be able to read only his review, open Manage → Users → Accesses, open access, turn on Advanced settings, go to the Listings tab, and for QA review, check only Read own reviews.

To copy a link to a QA review detail, open the review from the Listings and click the Copy to clipboard button in the form header.

QA Review List

QA Review List

When you open QA Reviews, the Time filter will be set to Today by default. If you want to see a different time period, select one of the presets or set up your own.

You can also filter by QA Form, which user the Review was Created by and by the Reviewed operator (and their groups). Click Search to apply your filter.

You can also use the Advanced filter just above the Search button.

To sort your QA Reviews by a column, click its title. Click it again to reverse the sorting.

Click Export to open the Export dialog where you can download a table with your QA Reviews in .xlsx or .csv format. See Bulk operations for detailed export instructions.

In the Actions column, click the Detail button to edit the QA Review.

If you want to delete QA review, clik the Delete button in Actions column.

Edit QA Review

Edit QA Review

Click the Edit button in the Actions column to edit the QA Review. The detail of the review displays the answers the original reviewer selected.

Based on the activity details available on the right-hand side, select an answer for each question to rate the agent's performance.

Click Save to return to the list of QA Reviews.

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