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Call Permissions

In the call permissions, you can define rules for the user on which destination can be called.

Go to Manage → Users → Call permissions.

Create a New Call Permission/Edit a Call Permission

Create a New Call Permissions/Edit a Call Permissions

To create a new call permission from scratch, click Add new.

To use an existing call permission as a template for your new one, click Clone in the Actions column.

To edit an existing call permission, click its title.

The call permission details will open.

Call Permissions Details

Call Permissions Details 

Fill out the call permission Title, then set up the category settings below:



Time from

Select the time when your call permissions start. 

Time to

Select the time when your call permissions end.

Day of week from

Select the day of the week when your call permissions start.

Day of week to

Select the day of the week when your call permissions end.

Day from

Select day of the month when your call permissions start.

Day to

Select day of the month when your call permissons end.

Month from

Select the month when your call permissions start.

Month to

Select the month when your call permissions end.


A Dial Pattern is a unique set of digits that will select this trunk.

X matches any digit from 0-9
Z matches any digit from 1-9
N matches any digit from 2-9
[1237-9] matches any digit or letter in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9)
. wildcard, matches one or more characters
| separates a dialing prefix from the number (for example, 9|NXXXXXX would match when some dialed "95551234" but would only pass "5551234" to the trunks)

Included rules

Select on of yours call permisions,

Assign Call Permision to a User 

Assign Call Permision to a User 

Go to Manage → Users →  List of users to assign call permision to a user.

In deatails of users select call permisions in Custom ACL field.

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