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Go to Listings → CDR to see a Call Detail Records from your call centre.

You can only see Call Detail Records of users and queues you have rights to. Go to Manage → Users → Rights → your user → Users/Queues tabs to set up which users and queues you have rights to. If you don't have access to these settings, ask you manager.

What is the difference between a CDR, an interaction and an activity?

A CDR occurs in every case when a call occurs, regardless of how it turns out. When a customer is just trying to reach an agent and the call is automatically routed to an IVR or a time condition, the CDR will display data about why the call was terminated without any interaction and therefore activity.

However, the CDR may still contain internal interactions, but only if the incoming call was sent to the queue. It will then only display the activity if the customer was actually transferred to an agent as part of the interaction.

An interaction occurs when a customer is on the phone or chatting. An interaction can contain sever activities, e.g. when a call is transferred to another agent.

An activity occurs when an agent is working on the interaction – this can be before the interaction is created, during it or after it has ended.

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