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Custom Call Scripts

Set up Custom call scripts to distribute custom activities in queues and to work with custom fields in your custom activities.

Create a New Custom Call Script/Edit Custom Call Script

Create a New Custom Call Script/Edit Custom Call Script

To create a custom call script from scratch, click Add new custom in the top right corner.

To use an existing custom call script as a template for your new one, click Clone in the Actions column.

To edit an existing custom call script, click its Title.

The custom call script details will open. Fill out the Title and Description and select the queue the call script will be associated with. Activities with this call script can be distributed in the custom queue you select.

Select a Colour and an Icon – these will be displayed when custom activities with the call script are part of a ticket.

You can now set up your custom fields – see below.

Set up Your Custom Field Layout

Set up Your Custom Field Layout

Create a new custom record type or edit an existing one to open the call script details (see above).

  1. Drag a Container/Section from the Choose sections list and drop it into the form field. Enter a title.
    Click the Settings button to set up default expand settings, a rich text description and dynamic visibility.

  2. Drag fields from the Choose fields list and drop them into your container. Click the Split button to set up multiple columns and adjust their width using the plus and minus signs.
    Click the Settings button to set up a tooltip for agents (will appear in front of the field name), set dynamic visibility and set further options (Show in list, Show in activity, Hidden to agents, Read only, Required field, Rows of text – hover over the tooltip in Daktela to view a description of each setting).

  3. Repeat the process to set up all desired fields.

  4. Save your Record type.

Field type overview

Field type

Agent use description

Extra settings


Enter any text.


Enter any text – larger field.

Maximum number of characters for textarea is 17M characters.

You can set up how many rows of text the text area will be.


Select a value from a drop down list. If multiple values allowed, they will be in separate fields.

Maximum number of characters for selectbox is 128 characters.

Values need to be set up during field creation.

Use the up and down arrows to move items or click the Sort button to sort your items by alphabetical order.

If you remove or change an item, you will lose access to the value stored in the field in the Records module.


Select value(s) from a drop down list. All selected values will be in same field.

Values need to be set up during field creation.

Use the up and down arrows to move items or click the Sort button to sort your items by alphabetical order.

If you remove or change an item, you will lose access to the value stored in the field in the Records module.


Select value(s) by checking boxes.

Values need to be set up during field creation.

Use the up and down arrows to move items or click the Sort button to sort your items by alphabetical order.

If you remove or change an item, you will lose access to the value stored in the field in the Records module.


Select a single value by checking a radio button.

Values need to be set up during field creation.

Use the up and down arrows to move items or click the Sort button to sort your items by alphabetical order.

If you remove or change an item, you will lose access to the value stored in the field in the Records module.


Select or enter a date and a time.


Select or enter a date.


Select or enter a time.


Enter a phone number. This field will only accept numbers.

We recommend for you to set up regular expression the Format field to validate that the number is in the correct format.


Enter an email address. Only emails in the correct format will be saved.


Enter an address. Click the Address formatting button (house) to search for the address and insert correct formatting. Click the Revert formatting button to go back to your original entry.


Enter a URL. Click the Globe button to open the URL in a new browser tab.

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