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Daktela SW Phone

The Daktela Software Phone is the perfect phone companion for use with Daktela, combining simplicity and functionality to get you up and running in no time.

For Contact Centre use, we recommend the version with automatic SIP provisioning. 

Back office users that don't use the Daktela GUI must use the version with manual SIP setup.


You can download both versions in the sections below.


The Daktela Software Phone is freeware – free to use with an active Daktela V6 installation.

Automatic SIP provisioning

Automatic SIP provisioning

Only contact centre users (i.e. those that work with the GUI) can use the Daktela Software Phone with automatic SIP provisioning. Back office users that don't use the Daktela GUI must use the version with manual SIP setup.

Download the Daktela Software phone with automatic SIP provisioning using the button below and follow the installation instructions:

Once installed, start the Daktela Software Phone and click the Options button:

Daktela phone step 1 (1).png

Select Add Account...:

Daktela phone step 2.png

Log in using the same credentials that you use in Daktela.


Instance: the address you use to log in to Daktela, e.g. "".

Username: your Daktela user name.

Password: your Daktela password.

Click Save.

For remote provisioning to work correctly, the user you are logging in as must have one device assigned statically. Go to Users → List of usersyour user to set a device. If you don't have access to these settings, ask your Manager to set a device for you.

If your log in was successful, you will see you are online in the bottom left corner and your device number in the bottom right. Your Daktela Software Phone is now set up and ready to make and receive calls.

Daktela phone 2 arrows.png

If the User you have logged in as has several devices, you can select which device you want to use under OptionsExtensions:


If you have any problems setting up the Daktela Software Phone for use with Daktela, please contact us on +420 226 211 245 or at

The .ini file path is usually C:\Users\username\AppData\Daktela SW Phone RP\Daktela SW Phone RP.ini.

To place the .ini file in a different location, run the Daktela SW phone with an initialisation parameter such as: "Daktela SW phone RP.exe" /ini:"C:\path with spaces\file.ini"

Manual SIP setup

Manual SIP setup

The Daktela Software Phone with manual SIP setup is intended for back office users (i.e. those that don't work with the Daktela GUI). We recommend that contact centre users use the version with automatic SIP provisioning.

Download the Daktela Software phone with manual SIP setup using the button below and follow the installation instructions:

Once installed, start the Daktela Software Phone and click the Options button:

Daktela phone step 1 (1).png

Select Add Account...:

Daktela phone step 2.png

Log in to your SIP device:

Daktela phone step 3.png

Server: enter your hostname  – it is usually the same as the URL of your Daktela instance, e.g. "".

Extension: enter your SIP device number (see SIP devices to find your number).

Password: enter your SIP device password (see SIP devices to find your password).

If your log in was successful, you will see you are online in the bottom left corner and your device number in the bottom right. Your Daktela Software Phone is now set up and ready to make and receive calls.

Daktela phone 2 arrows.png

If you have any problems setting up the Daktela Software Phone for use with Daktela, please contact us on +420 226 211 245 or at

The .ini file path is usually C:\Users\username\AppData\Daktela SW Phone RP\Daktela SW Phone RP.ini.

To place the .ini file in a different location, run the Daktela SW phone with an initialisation parameter such as: "Daktela SW phone.exe" /ini:"C:\temp\file.ini"

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