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Events – Integration

Introduction to Daktela Events

Within the Daktela system, a large number of events are generated that allow you to set up various actions – call a number, send an e-mail or SMS or edit a form. All this can be set up in an easy-to-use wizard based interface. At the same time, you can set up time limits that define if an event should be triggered and timeouts that define when events should be repeated. This is handy when you want to be alerted (e.g. by SMS) when your SLA is over a specific limit but you only want to receive a single SMS when you reach the limit, not every minute.

Some great examples or use-cases for Events are:

  • Sending a pre-formatted SMS to a customer when an agent finalises an order using a campaign record (call-script)

  • Calling your internal CRM when an agent sets a specific call status in the outgoing call in a specific queue

  • Sending a pre-formatted email to your help-desk system when an agent receives a new request over the phone in a queue

  • Alerting your company slack channel with caller details when a customer enters your VIP incoming queue

  • Sending a web chat transcript to Salesforce

  • Updating your billing software with ticket information when a ticket in the category called "Billing" is closed

For more information on how to work with events, go to Events.

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