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Fax Server

Go to Application → Fax server to view your sent and received faxes and to send a new fax.

Fax List

Fax List

When you open Fax server, you will see a list of your most recent faxes. To sort them by a column, click its title. Click it again to reverse the sorting.

You can also use the Filter above the list.

Click Export to open the Export dialog where you can download a table with your faxes in .xlsx or .csv format. See Bulk operations for detailed export instructions.

Click the Detail button in the Actions column to open the fax details. The fax details contain the actual faxed file.

Fax Details

Fax Details

Open the Fax details to view information about the fax and to download the faxed file which is listed under Fax attachments at the bottom of the Fax details.

Send a New Fax

Send a New Fax

To send a new fax, click New fax in the top right corner above the fax list. 

  1. Select the Source fax number. To set one up, go to Manage → Routings → Calls → Call inbound and set up a fax routing by checking Fax.

  2. Enter the Fax number where you want to send the fax.

  3. Enter an Email address where you want to receive the delivery receipt.

  4. Click Send.

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