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Instagram Comments

Social media module enables you to directly manage comments on your Instagram page posts within Daktela.

List of Posts

List of Posts

In the list of posts, you will find an overview of each post with comments on your Instagram pages.

  1. Open a filter scheme.

  2. Start typing a word for a fast search

  3. Check to display the main posts.

  4. Check to display finished/done posts.

  5. Export your Instagram posts.

  6. Open the post details. See more info below.

  7. Follow the post.

  8. Change to main or done.

Post Detail

Post Detail

Your published Instagram posts will only be transferred to Daktela if they receive comments. Daktela first receives a comment and subsequently links it to the corresponding post.

Click the title to open the post details.

  1. Content of the post.

  2. Select the post owner. You can take ownership yourself or pass the post on to someone else.

  3. Enter post followers. They will receive notifications when there are any changes to the ticket.

  4. Display reactions to your post.

  5. Adds a reaction to the post.

  6. Reply to the post. It opens the Instagram comments widget.

  7. Displays the attachment for the post.

Post Comments

  1. The number of responses to the comment. Click to Expand all replies to the comment.

  2. Display reactions to the comment.

  3. Reply to the comments. It opens the Instagram comments widget.

  4. Adds a reaction to the comment.

  5. Merge the comment into the ticket.

  6. Open activity detail.

  7. Dropdown menu:

    1. Delete comment.

    2. Hide comment on Instagram.

    3. Continue the conversation in chat.

  8. Yellow badge: Hiden on the Instagram.

  9. Red badge: Delete on the Instagram.

Instagaram Comment Activity

Instagram Comment Activity

From the Instagram; comment widget, you can write a reply to your post or comment.

The activity detail screen may contain different widgets set up in different order.

The Instagram comment widget is the only mandatory one.

  1. Type your message in the field. To send your message, click Send or press Enter on your keyboard. Use Shift+Enter to start a new line.

  2. Open a dropdown menu and select a template to insert.

  3. Open a preview with emoji and click on to insert.

  4. Open Compose Features. See more information here.

  5. Select files to send to the customer or drag and drop files into the grey area around the Select files button.

  6. Send message.

  7. Mark the message as important.

  8. Close the message tab.

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