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Log in to your Shoper account as an admin user and follow the instructions below:

Create a New Admin Group

Create a New Admin Group

Go to Ustawienia → Ogólne → Administratorzy sklepu:

In the top right corner, click Więcej and then Dodaj grupę administratorów:

Enter a name in Nazwa, select dostęp do webapi and click Zapisz.

Go to Uprawnienia and set odczyt permissions for Klienci and Konfiguracja. Click Zapisz.

Add a New Admin User

Add a New Admin User

Go to Ustawienia → Ogólne → Administratorzy sklepu:

In the top right corner, click Dodaj administratora:

Enter all the fields. Don't forget to select the Admin group (Grupa) that you have created in the first section!

Remember your Login and Hasło – you will need it in the next step.

Set up the Daktela Integration

Set up the Daktela Integration

Enter Your Shop and Admin User Details Into Daktela

In Daktela, go to Manage → Integrations and click Configure under Shoper.

Select into which CRM Database you want to synchronise your data.

Enter your shop URL into the Instance URI field, e.g.

Enter your Login name into the Client ID field.

Enter your Password into the Client secret field.

Click Authorise.

Map Your CRM Fields

A list of your Daktela CRM fields will open. Select the Shoper field you want to synchronise with each field in Daktela.

Click Activate.

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