Answering Machine Detection
Function description
AMD is an add-on function for predictive campaign queues. When a call is picked up by the customer, it detects voicemail. These calls are not passed to an agent and are instead terminated with an indicative status. Don’t waste time on unanswered calls and save costs by focusing only on successful connections.
With over 90% accuracy, it leverages artificial intelligence for voicemail detection.
The AMD function can only be used for predictive campaign queues and cannot be applied to other types of queues.
Licensing and Setup
AMD is offered as a package of 50,000 detection requests, with additional requests available in increments of 1,000. Administrators can manage the AMD licence in the Licensing Module under the Add-ons Tab.
Each answered call on a predictive queue with AMD enabled counts as one detection request.
Setup and Configuration
Enable the Voicemail Detection (AMD) checkbox in the predictive queue settings.
Select AMD config that defines the detection time interval and certainty in percentage. By default, the interval is set to 5 seconds and 60% certainty. If you need to configure the detection differently, feel free to contact our support.
Note: PBXs installed before version 2025.1 have various languages available in the AMD config. However, these no longer play a role, and it is always just about the time interval and certainty.
Choose an AMD status to flag the campaign record when voicemail is detected.