Filtering and Filter Schemes
Fulltext Search
Fulltext Search
You can search for items using the magnifying glass in the navbar as well as the Quick search field in most lists in Daktela. Enter at least 3 characters and press Enter to start your search.
How Fulltext Search Works
Fulltext first tries to find email addresses.
Fulltext search accepts only letters, numbers, and underscore (_). Any other symbols are replaced by a space. For example, if you write "D&ktela", it will search for "D ktela".
Characters with diacritics are replaced by standard characters. If you write text without diacritics it will also search for results with diacritics.
Fulltext doesn't search for stop words. English and Czech stopwords are set up automatically. If you want to add any custom stopwords, please contact us.
The minimum number of characters searched is 3 and the maximum is 63.
Unlimited Retention
In the CRM module (Contacts, Accounts and Records), fulltext always searches all of your saved items.
Limited Retention
The following limitations apply:
In Tickets, Records, Articles, and Activities that are part of a ticket, fulltext only searches for items that have been edited in the retention period.
In Activities without a ticket, fulltext only searches for items created in the retention period.
The retention period is 180 days by default. If you need to increase your retention period, please contact us.
Filter Items in a List
Filter Items in a List
You can filter most lists in Daktela.
Click Filter at the top of the list. The Search dialog will open.
Set up your filter by selecting an operator (equals, doesn't equal, is empty, is not empty etc.) or time interval from the drop down list in each line you want to filter by and entering or selecting the value to look for in the field to the right of the operator. Click the arrow button on the right hand side and the Advanced button at the bottom left to show more fields.
If you plan to use this filter again in the future, save it as a scheme.
Click Search to apply your filter.
Filter Shemes
Filter Schemes
If you use particular filter settings often, save them in a filter scheme and load them next time you need them.
Save your scheme
Set up your filter settings by following the instructions above.
Before you click Search in the last step, click Save as at the end of the first line in the dialog.
Enter a scheme title and click Save.
Load your scheme
Next time you need to filter, you can do so:
directly from the list of items by selecting your saved scheme from the drop down list on the Filter button:
from the Search dialog by selecting your scheme and clicking Search:
From here, you can also change your saved filter scheme by changing its settings and clicking Save to update it or Save as to create a new scheme.