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Global settings

Set up settings that are valid globally for your entire contact centre.

General Settings

General Settings

Inactivity logout time

Enter the number of minutes after which users that have closed their browsers with Daktela should be logged out (no appPull requests being sent). Enter 0 or leave blank to keep users logged in indefinitely

Default language

Select your default language from the dropdown list. Individual users can change their language in My Profile. Automatically generated reports sent by email will always be in the default language regardless of the language used by the user who set the report up.

Public holidays countries

You can use public holidays from selected countries in Time groups. The list of holidays is automatically kept up to date.

Notification beep

Select whether to play activity notification sounds when the Daktela browser tab is inactive.

Custom notification sound

The recording will play instead of the default notification sound during an incoming activity. Accepted formats: mp3, m4a, m4b, aac, ogg, opus, wav, flac.

Custom WebRTC notification sound

The recording will play instead of the default WebRTC notification sound. Accepted formats: mp3, m4a, m4b, aac, ogg, opus, wav, flac.

In-app Help

By default, In-app Help is always at your disposal in the bottom right corner.

To activate it, open the section Resources, and select In-app Help at the very bottom of the column.

In-app Help serves as a pocket version of Daktela documentation. It provides you with instant information on how to manipulate with Daktela settings. All you need is to ask it.

To replace Daktela’s In-app Help with your corporate one, just change URL in the blank field.

Least recent – check by activity types

Select which activity types should be taken into account in the Least recent queue distribution strategy.

Custom fields dynamic visibility

Select how to treat custom fields that are hidden using dynamic visibility in the form they are used in.

System notification email address

  1. Enter an email address that will be used to receive notifications

  2. Customise notifications, i.e. choose what kind of notifications you’d like to receive:

  • Login from a new IP Address.

  • User has reached the maximum number of login attempts and has locked their account.

  • Smart Call Transcription or AI Power Pack is reaching its limits (this occurs as soon as you reach your 85 % limit).

  • Connector for one of your communication channels has lost its authorization.

  • Issue with one of your integrations.

Distribution Matrix

Distribution matrix

The distribution matrix is for advanced users. To gain access, please get in touch with us at

Set up the distribution rules for various activity types based on the user's existing open activities. Be careful, as these configurations have a global impact on your entire contact center.

Column names represent activities being distributed in the contact centre. The activity can be distributed to a user if they don’t have more already open activities of each type than the limit set up in each row. If the user reaches the limit in any row, the activity can’t be distributed to them.Examples:

  1. Calls column: a call is being distributed. It can distributed to a user if they don’t have more than the X calls, X web chats, X SMS chats etc.

  2. Web chats column: a web chat is being distributed. It can distributed to a user if they don’t have more than the X calls, X web chats, X SMS chats etc.


Activity types


Web chats



Instagram DM













Web chats









If the call activity row has zeros in all the activity columns, it means that no other activities will be distributed to the agent if they have an ongoing call activity.

In the Web chats row, the Messenger and Instagram DM columns are set to one. This means that if an agent has an ongoing web chat activity, Messenger and Instagram activities will be distributed to that agent.

White Labeling

White Labeling

Logo image

Custom logo in page header. Logo should be clearly visible on light backgrounds, and should have a transparent background. Ideal format is PNG with greater width than height (width min. 100px, height min. 100px).

Logo image (Dark theme)

Custom logo in page header. Logo should be clearly visible on dark backgrounds, and should have a transparent background. Ideal format is PNG with greater width than height (width min. 100px, height min. 100px).

Logo icon

Custom icon on browser tab. The icon should be clearly visible on light and dark backgrounds and should have a transparent background. Ideal format is PNG with width to height ratio of 1:1 and size of 512x512px.

Login background

Custom background image on login page. Ideal format is JPG (width min. 800px, height min. 600px).

Contact centre text

A different name for "contact centre" (on login page)

Copyright text

Title in the copyright in the footer of the page. If it is not specified, the default text "Daktela s.r.o." is used.

Footer text

Text in the page footer on the left. If not specified, default Daktela text is used.

Social icons

Social media icons on right side of login page.
Please fill in the URL without protocol.
You can select an icon from this icon set

Footer text example

Footer text example

You can use HTML in the Footer text. Below is an example of a footer text (this example is used in Daktela 6.19.1):

<div style="text-align:right">
Technická podpora: +420 226 211 244 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href=" version=2&modificationDate=1599470870000&api=v2&download=true">
<img src="" width="30" height="30">
<a href=""  target="_blank">
<img src="" width="30" height="30">

The resultant footer looks like this:

Security settings

Security settings

Allow origin

Allowed domains for cross-domain-policy. It's possible to define multiple resources divided by a comma (e.g. , ).

Password regexp

Enter a regular expression for your password. Leave blank for any format.

Password regexp description

Enter a verbal description of the password regular expression which is displayed in the GUI when a password that doesn’t match the regex is entered.

Allow OAuth passwords

Allow to use username, password as alternative login way for users who use OAuth authorization methods.

Password regular expression example

Password regular expression example

The default password regular expression for passwords of at least 6 characters in length including at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number and one special character:


For more info on regular expressions, see General information and tips.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.