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(v2024.4 2-en) Tabs

Go to Manage → Settings → Tabs to set up tabs with an embedded URL that can be displayed in Contacts, Accounts, Tickets and Records.

Create a New Tab/Edit Tab

Create a New Tab/Edit Tab

Click Add new to create a new tab or click the Title of an existing tab to edit it. The tab details will open.

Fill out the tab Title and the URL you want to open in the tab.

Toggle if you want the tab to be displayed in Contacts and Accounts.

Select a tab icon.

In Display in, choose where to display your tab: App only, Browser only, or Everywhere.

Click Save.

You can set up which ticket categories and which queues will display your tab in the Tab list – see below.

Set up Ticket Categories and Queues

Set up Ticket Categories and Queues

In the Tab list, click Categories or Queues in the Relations column. This will open a list of your categories/queues. Select the categories/queues where you want the tab to be displayed.

Selecting queues does not mean that tabs will be displayed in activities. Tabs will only be displayed in the detail of a record associated with the queue.

To set up tabs in open activities, use the Page in iFrame widget in Manage → Queues → Widget scheme settings.

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