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Go to Application → Realtime to see the current state of your contact centre in real time. You can see a list of:

You can filter out only the information you need using the Filters at top of the screen or using the checkboxes above the Filters and the Activities and Users sections.

Filter Queues and Users

Filter Queues and Users

You can apply filters at the top of the screen. You can filter by:

  • Queues and groups of queues.  Check the Crossed out eye symbol to also display deactivated queues.

  • Queue types.

  • Users and user groups. Check the Crossed out eye symbol to also display deactivated users.

  • User Rights.

Filters only apply to table lines – they don't filter out data contained in individual lines.

Use the checkboxes in the top right corner to select which sections to display:

  •  Activities

  •  Users

  •  Pauses

  •  Queues

Click the green heart to pause real time data. The heart will turn yellow to indicate the real time panel is paused.

Open Activites

Open Activities

The Activities section displays a list of your contact centre's open activities.

You can filter activity types using the checkboxes at the top of the section. Use the Handshake button to filter activities where the customer is currently speaking or chatting to an agent.

Click a column title to sort the table by that column.

If the activity's Contact is saved in the CRM module, click the Customer Journey button to view their Customer Journey – a history of their communication with your contact centre.

There are 3 important times for each activity:




How long the customer is waiting/waited from the moment they entered the queue or started ringing at a specific user.


How long the customer has been/was connected to the agent.


How long the agent has had the activity open. This can include before call work for outgoing calls and after call/chat work for incoming activities.

In the Actions column, click:

  •  to start Call monitoring.

  •  to send a Notification to the user that is handling the activity.

  •  to open the activity details.

  •  to end the activity. A confirmation dialog will open before the activity is ended.

Bulk operations

In Realtime panel you can make through bulk operations add notofications, set pause, log in and log out

Call Monitoring

Call Monitoring

Using call monitoring, you or a user you select can listen in on other users' call activities.

  1. Click the Monitoring button in the Actions column of the call that you want to monitor to start Call monitoring. The Monitor on user dialog will open.

  2. Select which user will listen in on the activity. You can select yourself or another user – this can be useful when you are training new employees who can learn from more experienced ones.

  3. Click Monitor. The user you have selected will receive a call on the device they are logged in to in Daktela. Accept it to start monitoring.

  4. To end monitoring, simply hang up.

Call Monitoring Notification

  • If you have turn on Show monitoring notification to agent in your queue settings you will get notification that your call is monitoring.

  • If you have turn on Play monitoring audio notification in call in your queue settings it will be played record for monitoring before it starts and end. 



Use Notifications to send a message to the user that is handling an activity.

  1. Click the Notification button in the Actions column of the activity to send a notification to the user that is handling it. The Your notification dialog will open.

  2. Select the Severity and the time interval the notification should be displayed.

  3. Check Toast to display the notification in the bottom right corner of the user's screen or Calendar to display it in the user's calendar.

    If you uncheck both Toast and Calendar, the notification will not be displayed anywhere.

  4. Type your Message and click Save to send it.

Activity Details

Activity Details

Click the Detail button in the Actions column of the activity you want to see to open the activity details.

The activity details will open the Interaction the activity is part of.

The Details contain different information depending on activity type:



The Users section displays your contact centre's users.

Click a column title to sort the table by that column.

Click the Filter symbol in the Name column to add the user to the main page filters.

Users can have the following States – these are displayed next to individual users as well as in the checkboxes above the Users section:

  •  Idle – they don't have any open activities.

  •  Activity – they have one or more open activities.

  •  Paused – they are currently on a pause.

  •  Unready – they are logged in to Daktela but are not ready to handle activities.

  • Logged out of Daktela.

User that have red arrows next to their state in the State column have call forwarding active.

You can see how long users have been on their current state in the State time column and what activities they have open in the Activities column.

In the Extension column, you can see the state of the user's phone line

  • Online – the phone line is available for a call (the green symbol is available in the checkbox filters above the Users section. In the Extension column, no symbol will be displayed if the extension is online.).

  •  Busy – the phone line is occupied by a call.

  •  Unavailable – the phone line doesn't have a device that can handle the call – the user's hardware or software phone is not connected to their device.

In the heading of the Devices and Queues columns, use the switch to toggle between the total number of devices and queues the user is logged in to or their full list.

In the Actions column, click:

  •  to log the user out of Daktela.

  •  to start Call monitoring.

  •  to send a Notification to the user.

  •  to log the user in to Daktela and make them Go Ready.

A user with an Exclamation mark doesn't have a device. If they have automatic or fixed login to at least one call queue, you will not be able to log them in using the Realtime panel.

Bulk Operation

In the Realtime panel, you can use bulk operations to add notifications, pauses, log users in and out of a queue, or log them in and out.

Check the users for whom you want to perform bulk operations and choose one of the actions mentioned above.

Call Monitoring

Call Monitoring

Using call monitoring, you or a user you select can listen in on other users' call activities.

  1. Click the Monitoring button in the Actions column of the user that you want to monitor. The Monitor on user dialog will open.

  2. Select which user will listen in on the call. You can select yourself or another user – this can be useful when you are training new employees who can learn from more experienced ones.

  3. Click Monitor. The user you have selected will receive a call on the device they are logged in to in Daktela. Accept it to start monitoring.

  4. To end monitoring, simply hang up.



Use Notifications to send a message to the user.

  1. Click the Notification button in the Actions column of the user you want to send the message to. The Your notification dialog will open.

  2. Select the Severity and the time interval the notification should be displayed.

  3. Check Toast to display the notification in the bottom right corner of the user's screen or Calendar to display it in the user's calendar, or both.

    If you uncheck both Toast and Calendar, the notification will not be displayed at all.

  4. Type your Message and click Save to send it.



The Pauses section displays the pauses that are currently being used by users in your contact centre, whether those pauses are paid, how many users are using them and a list of those users.

Click a column title to sort the table by that column.



The Queues section displays the queues that are currently being used by at least one user in your contact centre.

Click a column title to sort the table by that column.

Click the Filter symbol in the Queue column to add the queue to the main page filters.

For each queue, there is an overview of:





Number of users logged in to the queue.


Number of users who are not on a pause and are not currently speaking (their extension state is Online) / percentage of Available users logged in to the queue

This takes into account the state of the user's Extension regardless of the queue type. A user chatting to a customer in a web chat queue will be Available because their extension is not being used.


Number and users who are currently speaking (their extension state is Busy) / percentage of Speaking users logged in to the queue

This takes into account the state of the user's Extension regardless of the queue type. A user talking to a customer in a call queue will also be considered "speaking" in all other queues they are logged in to.

On pause

Number of users who are on a pause / percentage of users logged in to the queue who are on a pause





The total number of ongoing activities in the queue (incoming/outgoing).


The number of activities waiting to be handled by users in the queue / the percentage of waiting activities out of all current activities in the queue

Waiting time

The longest time an activity had to wait in the queue before being handled by a user.

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