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Daktela Glossary





Accesses define which modules users with those Accesses can go to in the Daktela GUI (and via the API). and users' Create/Read/Update/Delete permissions for items contained in those modules.


Activities encompass various types of interactions such as calls, emails, and chats that occur on specific dates. These activities can be categorized as pending (yet to be addressed), in progress (currently being handled), missed (not attended to), or postponed (scheduled for a later time). These activity statuses help in managing and tracking the progress and status of different interactions within a given timeframe.


An announcement is a notification or message that is displayed on the dashboard with a colored background. It serves as an important communication or update that draws attention to specific information or events.


An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols, tools, and standards that enables different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs allow developers to access the functionality of another application or service without needing to understand the internal implementation of that functionality.


Asterisk is an open-source software platform used for developing communications applications. It offers a comprehensive private branch exchange (PBX) system, which includes various services such as voice over IP (VoIP), conference calling, voicemail, and interactive voice response (IVR).



In Daktela, each ticket is required to be assigned to a category. Categories provide a way to classify and organize tickets based on their nature, type, or topic.


A changelog is a comprehensive list of changes and fixes made in a particular version of Daktela. It includes both a list of new functionalities that have been introduced and a list of bug fixes addressed in that specific version. You can find the changelog for Daktela at the provided link.


CRM is a comprehensive system that manages and stores information about your contacts and companies within Daktela. It serves as a directory where you can store and organize data related to your customer interactions, including contact details, communication history and other relevant information.



The dashboard serves as the main page of your control panel, offering an overview of your activities, a calendar, records, and various other widgets. You have the flexibility to customize the layout of the widgets on the dashboard based on your specific requirements.


A database is a virtual storage system that allows you to store and organize your contacts. Each database can have its own unique form, which includes custom fields tailored to your specific needs. These custom fields enable you to capture and store relevant information for each contact in a structured manner.

Decision Tree

A decision tree is a system that defines the structure of chatbot responses in web chat. It can range from simple and concise to complex and highly branched. A decision tree can also refer to another decision tree, allowing for nested or interconnected decision-making processes.

Dialing rules

Dialing rules or dial patterns refer to a unique set of digits that are used to select a specific trunk for making outbound calls. These patterns are designed to match specific numbers or number patterns dialed by users.



An extension refers to an internal number that can be associated with multiple SIP devices and external numbers. It serves as an identifier for the user within the system and enables them to receive and make calls using a softphone or SIP phone. It's worth noting that the SIP number assigned to the phone and the line may differ from each other.



A helpdesk is a request management system that consolidates all requests and inquiries from various sources (such as email, calls, webchats, etc.) into a single location. From this central hub, individual requests are then assigned to users based on their workload. Once a request (ticket) is assigned to a user, it is moved from the central collection point to that user's designated area.

The purpose of the helpdesk is to facilitate the differentiation between unprocessed, processed, and resolved requests, and to present individual users with only the requests that are relevant to them.


Idle state

An agent status that indicates readiness to handle interactions but with no current active activities.


The iFrame is a widget that enables you to embed and display another web page directly within Daktela. You can locate the iFrame widget on various sections, such as the dashboard or within the details of ongoing activities. By using the iFrame widget, you can seamlessly integrate external web content and access it without leaving the Daktela interface.


IVR, which stands for Interactive Voice Response, is a technology that enables callers to interact with an automated telephone system using voice commands or touch-tone keypad inputs. With IVR, callers can navigate through various options and access information or perform specific tasks without the need for human intervention.


Knowledge Base

The knowledge base is an online library hosted on your domain, where you can create and store articles, instructions, and other relevant information.


Macro Buttons

A macro combines multiple functions into a single button, enabling you to perform tasks like changing the deadline and forwarding a ticket to another department with just one click. Macros greatly simplify ticket handling by streamlining these actions.

You can find the created macros in the list of macros, located next to the Save button in the ticket details. Alternatively, they can be displayed separately next to the Save button. It is possible to configure whether each macro should be displayed separately or not.

The creation and viewing of macros are managed by your administrator. They have control over this functionality and can determine the visibility and availability of macros for users.



OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard protocol for secure authentication and authorization of applications to access user data on a third-party service without the need for the user to share their credentials.



PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, which refers to a private telephone system used within a company or organization. It enables internal communication among employees as well as external communication with customers and clients.


QA Reviews

QA reviews is a form utilized to assess activities on your control panel. The form is typically evaluated by the team leader or an authorized person with the necessary rights and access. QA forms play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of processing activities by providing a structured framework for evaluation and improvement.


The queue is a system that manages the flow of incoming calls, chats, and emails in an organized manner. When a new activity arrives, it enters the queue and awaits its turn to be assigned to an operator. To receive and handle activities from the queue, you must be a logged-in user. Being logged in allows you to be available to receive and process activities as they come in, ensuring smooth and efficient handling of customer inquiries and requests.


Realtime Panel

The Realtime panel provides an overview of active users and their activities. It allows you to see which operators are currently engaged in conversations and which ones are available. Additionally, you can initiate call monitoring directly from this panel.

Regex (Regular expression)

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern in text. Typically, such patterns are used by user search algorithms for a "find" or "find and replace" operation on strings or for validation.


Rights define what specific items users with those Rights can see in the modules they have access to. E.g. users that have access to the CRM module need to also have rights to the CRM Database the CRM data is contained in to see it.


SIP Trunk

A SIP trunk is a virtual connection that links a private branch exchange (PBX) system with the internet. It allows organizations to establish communication channels for making and receiving voice and multimedia calls using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP trunks provide a means for transmitting communication signals over an IP network, facilitating efficient and flexible connectivity for organizations' telephony needs.

SIP Device

A SIP device is an endpoint, either hardware or software, that utilizes the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for communication over the internet.

SIP devices encompass a range of devices such as IP phones, softphones, video conferencing systems, and other devices that connect to a SIP-enabled network or service. These devices are commonly used in conjunction with a private branch exchange (PBX) system to facilitate voice and multimedia calls, allowing users to make and receive communications efficiently.


SLA is set up deadline and first answer calculation rules.


Statistics provide an overview of your agents' performance within a specific time period. They offer valuable insights into various aspects of agent performance and are categorized by type.


Statuses are used to indicate the current state or progress of an activity or ticket, as well as its outcome or position in a particular process. By assigning appropriate statuses, you can easily track and manage the different stages of an activity or ticket's lifecycle.



A ticket is an overview of activities connected in one thread (ticket). The ticket can include e-mail, call, sms or any other available activity. The ticket allows you to keep an overview of the progress and resolution of the given request. A so-called comment can also be part of the ticket. The comment is used for internal communication regarding the given request, which can only be seen by users (not the customer).


User Tracing

User tracking is a tool that allows you to clearly see how much time a user has spent on activities, as well as an overview of their pauses, whether the user is logged into a queue and if they are free or currently on a call.



Wallboard is a contact center solution component that presents a comprehensive display of real-time contact center operational information, usually shown on a television screen within the contact center.

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