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Go to Manage → Settings → Pauses to set up the pauses your agents will be able to work with.

Pause Types

Pause Types

All Pauses can be either paid on unpaid depending on your selection in the Pause details.

Pause Type



Used when an agent is inactive at a time when they should be active.

The pause starts automatically if:

  • Automatic pause is set up in an incoming queue and an agent doesn't answer an incoming activity before Ring time runs out, or

  • Automatic pause is set up in an incoming queue and an agent rejects an incoming activity, or

  • Time without activity is set up in a manual campaign queue and an agent exceeds it, or

  • Automatic pause is set up in a custom pause with a Max duration and an agent exceeds the pause's time limit.

You can change the name of the pause and whether or not it is paid.


The pause can only be started and ended from an agent's SW or HW phone by dialling a feature code.

  • It must be enabled in Routings → Calls → Advanced settings → Feature codes → Internal application.

  • The default codes are:

    • DND on: *181

    • DND off: *182

You can change the name of the pause and whether or not it is paid.


Used to give agents a short break between activities.

The pause starts automatically after an agent saves an activity from a queue that has Wrapup time set up. After Wrapup time runs out, the pause is automatically ended.

You can change the name of the pause and whether or not it is paid.

Custom pause

A pause that agents can start manually.

You can change all its settings.

Create a New Pause/Edit a Pause

Create a New Pause/Edit a Pause

Go to Manage → Settings → Pauses to see a list of your pauses.

To create a new Pause from scratch, click Add new.

To use an existing Pause as a template for your new one, click Clone in the Actions column.

To edit a Pause, click its title.

The Pause details will open.

You can only have one pause each of the types DND, Lazy and Wrap.

You can have as many Custom pauses as you need.

Pause Details

Pause Details

Set up your Pause:




See Pause Types above. 

Selected automatically depending on the type of pause you have opened.

Display name

Enter the name that will be displayed when the pause is active.


Toggle whether the pause is paid or not.

Max duration

If you want to limit the max. length of the pause, enter it here in minutes. Set to 0 for no limit.

Calculated from (if Max duration set)

Select when the quote for the day will be renewed:

  • Midnight – agents receive the amount of time specified in Max duration every midnight. 

  • One day – when an agent starts the Pause, Daktela checks the time they have spent on the pause in the last 24 hours and calculates the time remaining.

Automatic pause (if Max duration set)

If the Pause's Max duration is reached, should the Lazy type Pause be started automatically?

Save your Pause.

Don't forget to set up the Rights that can work with the Pause.

Select Rights

Select Rights

Click Change in the Rights column to select which agents' rights will be able to work with each Pause.

Lazy, DND and Wrap Pause types can be used by everyone – you can't change the rights to them.

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