Answer an Incoming Web Chat
Your incoming web chat notifications will appear in a black rectangle in the top right corner. You may also hear a notification sound.
The notification displays:
the customer's details. Click their name or account to open their CRM details.
the name of the Queue and the amount of Time the customer has been in the queue.
the amount of time since you received the notification.
Accept or Reject the web chat by clicking one of the corresponding buttons. You may see a white button next to the reject button. This opens a URL defined by your administrator.
You may have limited time to answer the web chat. If you take longer, you may automatically be put on an unpaid pause.
Notice the Waiting activity badge?
You may be able to answer web chats even if you don't receive a black notification (e.g. because you are logged out of a queue or because the call is being routed to one of your colleagues).
Click the Waiting activities button above the main menu.
Click Accept to answer the web chat.
Web Chat Details
Once you have accepted a web chat, a new tab will appear in the top panel. It will be labeled with the name or details entered when the customer initiated the chat.
Click the Web chat tab to see the Webchat details. Click it again to return to the previous screen (e.g. the Dashboard).
When you receive a new message in the chat, the Webchat tab will flash red and white. You may also hear a notification sound.
The web chat detail screen may contain different widgets set up in different order.
The Web chat widget is the only mandatory one.
Web Chat Widget
The Web chat widget header displays the Queue number, queue name and the customer's name.
The top part of the widget contains the chat and event history as well as chat controls.

Type your message in the field. To send your message, click Send (5) or press Enter on your keyboard. Use Shift+Enter to start a new line.
Open a dropdown menu and select a template to insert.
Open a preview with emotikons and click on to insert.
Select files to send to the customer. Alternatively, drag and drop files into the grey area around the Select files button.
Send message. You can also send messages by pressing Enter on your keyboard.
Load older messages from earlier chats with this contact. Only appears if any history exists.
Select a status. You must select a status before closing the web chat.
Mark the web chat as important.
Ask for asistance.
Invite another agent to the web chat.
Transfer the web chat to another agent.
Open an external URL.
Close the Web chat tab. You will be disconnected from the customer.
If you are not in the activity widget you can get a toast notification to remind that you have an open activity. There are two option when you get a notification:
Notification will display after certain time from first message from the customer.
You get a notification for every new message in the chat.
Transfer a Web Chat
To transfer a web chat, go to the Web chat widget in the Web chat tab.
Click the Transfer button. This will open the Transfer activity window.
Select where to transfer the web chat. You can choose a specific person or a queue.
Click Transfer.
Your Web chat will end and the customer will be transferred.
Invite Another Agent to a Web Chat
To invite another agent to a web chat, go to the Web chat widget in the Web chat tab.
Click the Invite button. This will open the Invite to activity window.
Select who to invite to the web chat. You can choose a specific person or a queue.
Click Invite.
You and the agent you have invited will now both be chatting to the customer.
When one of the agents closes the chat, the customer will see a notification but will continue to chat to the other agent.