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User's Contracts

Basic Settings

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Holidays Allowed

Allow if an employee on this type of contract is eligible for holidays

Night Shifts Allowed

Allow if this contract involves night shifts

Contract’s Detail

Due to various operational changes within the workplaces, there are two options for determining working hours. You can either set a daily limit of working hours for your employees or a monthly limit, which is determined by a workplace’s specific requirements. The multiplier of the number of days and hours worked will always equal the monthly hour limit; therefore, only one of these options can be chosen

Contract time conditions

Day Hours limit

Maximum number of hours an employee can work within a single day

Week Hours limit

Maximum number of hours an employee can work within a week

Number of Hours per Day

The total hours an employee is scheduled to work in a single day. This number is a multiple of the number of working days

Min Continuous Rest per Week 

The minimum consecutive hours of rest an employee must have within a week

Min Break Hours per Day

The minimum duration of breaks required for an employee within a single day. However this duration can be then divided into smaller breaks

Min Break Hours per Day Splitted

If min Break Hours per Day is 1 hour and it is then divided to 30 and 30 min. There’s however an option of an additional break, that would not be count in case if its duration doesn’t cross the limit that is defined in the section “Min Break Hours per Day”

Break at least After Hours

A break must be taken after the specified number of hours. This means the break should occur either from the beginning of the shift or following the end of the previous break

Month Hours limit

The maximum number of hours an employee can work within a month

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