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WFM Planning

In this chapter, the key steps of the shift planning process in the Daktela WFM system are described.

Calculating Needs

The first step in the shift planning process is to calculate the needs for each workplace based on the defined requirements and traffic forecasts. The system uses historical traffic data and advanced predictive algorithms to estimate the number of operators required for each shift.

Assigning users to shifts based on needs

Once the needs are calculated, the system assigns users to shifts based on their skills, contracts, and other defined parameters. The system takes into account user preferences, such as requested holidays and breaks, to create an optimal shift plan.

Publishing the plan

After the shift plan is created, it can be published for users to see. Users can then view their assigned shifts and submit requests for changes if needed.


Users can submit requests for shift changes, holidays, and other absences directly in the system. These requests are then evaluated and approved by administrators.

Shift exchange – market

The system includes a shift exchange market where users can offer their shifts for exchange with other users. This feature provides additional flexibility and convenience for managing shifts.

Plan fulfilment

The system continuously monitors the fulfilment of the shift plan and provides real-time updates on the status of each shift. This allows managers to make adjustments as needed to ensure that the plan is followed.

Export to external systems

The system supports exporting shift plans and other data to external systems for further processing. This feature enables seamless integration with other tools and systems used by the organisation.

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