Workplace details
Details | |
Name | Entre the name of your workplace |
Location | Enter the location of your workplace |
Type of generating Shifts |
Country | Select the country where your workplace is located |
Work on Holiday | Allow if this workplace presupposes shift during a Holiday period |
Days | Select the working days that are relevant to to this workplace |
Working Hours Start | Define the start time of Working Hours |
Length | Define the amount of time Working Hours will last, the starting point is defined in the previous field “Working Hours Start” |
Range | If you tick this field then you specify the exact time when working hours end |
Click Plus in order to create more working periods
Further Workplace’s specifications
Employees | |
Administrators | Select administrators for this workplace |
Employees | Select employees for this workplace |
Queues | |
Queue selection | Choose queues from Daktela you will be working with in this workplace |
Shifts | |
Allowed shifts for manual work | This shift is permitted in the case of manual shift planning. It can be used when an employee cannot provide specific conditions in advance; instead, they inform a team leader of their availability. A team leader can then manually schedule a shift for that employee |
Allowed shifts for EA | This shift is permitted in the case of a predefined technical plan, allowing the system to automatically schedule a shift based on the employee’s predefined requirements |
Forecast | |
Night Hours Start | Define the start time of Night Hours |
Length | Define the amount of time Night Hours will last, the starting point is defined in the previous field “Night Hours Start” |
Range | If you tick this field then you specify the exact time when Night Hours end |
Breaks validator rest per shift | Verifies if there are enough breaks during the shift |
Breaks validator rest per week | Verifies if there is sufficient rest during the week |
Contract validator contract active | Verifies if contract is active |
Contract validator contract days | Verifies if the shifts are scheduled on the correct days as specified in the contract |
Contract validator contract holidays | Verifies if working on holidays is allowed |
Contract validator contract interval | Verifies if contract is valid |
Contract validator night shifts | Verifies if night shifts are allowed |
Distance validator between shifts | Verifies if the intervals between shifts are maintained |
Employee validator missing employee | Verifies whether an employee is set up in the workplace |
Shift validator shift interval | Verifies if the intervals between shifts are maintained |
Subsidy validator day | Verifies whether the daily limit settings have been exceeded |
Subsidy validator month | Verifies whether the monthly limit settings have been exceeded |
Subsidy validator week | Verifies whether the weekly limit settings have been exceeded |
Vacation validator vacation days | Verifies if an employee is scheduled for a shift during their vacation |
Additional Settings
Settings | |
Remind Time | A notification will be sent to you for upcoming shifts, such as those scheduled for the next day |
Trade Compare Level of Competence | This function facilitates the process of shift swapping based on the comparison of competence levels. If there is a match in competence, employees can exchange shifts with each other; if not, the swap cannot take place |
Enable work from home | Enable if remote work is acceptable within your workplace |
Disable Empty Shifts | In cases where no employees are available, the system will generate empty shifts, which will be assigned to people on various types of contracts |
Distance between Shifts | The minimum rest period between shifts |
Distance after Night Shift | The minimum rest period required after a night shift, when an employee transitions from a night shift to a regular day shift |
Distance before Night Shift | The minimum rest period required before a night shift, when an employee transitions from a regular day shift to a night shift |