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A Quick Start Guide for Admins



Welcome to Daktela! We are delighted to welcome you as the newest member of our growing family.

With Daktela, you can set up your entire call centre in minutes – and this guide is here to show you how. It will take you through the setup process and provide links to more detailed documentation articles, allowing you to explore further when necessary.

We hope that Daktela simplifies your work and that you grow to love it as much as we do!

Get your own Daktela

Get your own Daktela

Initial Steps: Your Request and Proposal

The process begins with you expressing your requirements. Based on this, a tailored price quote is provided. Once you approve the proposal, you will be directed to the support team for further steps.

Installation Sheet

An Installation Sheet is created during the sales phase. This document outlines the use case and includes a summary of the technical configuration of the customer's instance. It serves as a foundation for the implementation process.

Start Call

A start call is scheduled, involving the sales team, you, and support. During this call, details such as login credentials or generic login methods are agreed upon and confirmed. 

Implementation Phase

The implementation phase typically takes 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the complexity of the setup. During this time, comprehensive training sessions are conducted for you and some of your operators to familiarise them with the system and its features.

Access and System Configuration

Once you receive login credentials, it indicates that your profile as an administrator already exists in the system. Administrators can then log in, manage their preferences, and customise the system according to their needs.

Before You Use Daktela

Before You Use Daktela

Our software presupposes several minimum requirements. All information is to be found in this article.

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