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Conference | Co-browsing

Start a conference call with your colleagues or customers.

You need a valid co-browsing licence to work with conferences.

Create a New Conference Room

Create a New Conference Room

To create a new conference room, go to "".

You can create an empty room or invite Daktela users to it. Use CTRL+click to select multiple users. When done, click Create new room. The users will receive a notification in Daktela (different types depending on the Daktela version):

You can invite users outside Daktela by:

  • sharing the entire URL of your new room (e.g. They will connect directly to your room by simply pasting the URL into their browser.

  • sharing your general conference URL ( and your room number. The room number is in the bottom left corner of your room. Users will need to enter the room number to join your conference.

Join a Conference Room

Join a Conference Room

You can join a conference room:

  • when you receive a conference notification in Daktela (different types depending on the Daktela version)

    Click Accept to join the conference.

  • when someone shares a URL or room number.

    If you receive a URL that already includes a room number (e.g. ""), simply paste it into your browser and you will join the conference automatically.

    If you only receive a room number, go to "" and enter the room number in the Room name field.

    Click Join to existing room to join the conference.

Conference Room Controls

Conference Room Controls

  1. Unmute the other user.

  2. Start/stop sharing video.

  3. Start/stop sharing screen.

  4. Start/stop sharing sound.

  5. Leave conference room.

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