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Click Contacts tab to open your contact in cloud phone.

Your contacts tab will open.

To initiate a call from your contacts, click on the contact's phone number. The Phone tab will open.

Create a New Contact/Edit an Existing Contact

To create a new contact from scratch, click + NEW CONTACT in the top right corner.
To edit an existing contact, click their title.

Example of a contact form:

Fields such as Phone, Email, Address etc are in a custom form just below the top part. If you are unsure how to fill it out, your team leader or administrator will take you through this form.

  1. Enter a contact name.

  2. Select an count.

  3. Select a database in which you want to save your contact..

  4. Enter a phone number.

  5. Enter a contact's email.

  6. Enter a note for the contact.

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