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Minimum Requirements



Connectivity and Bandwidth Requirements

  • One-way latency (mouth to ear) no more than 150 ms

  • 100 kbits UP/DOWN per concurrent voice call, plus web traffic bandwidth for the Daktela web interface (average is 100kbits DOWN for each active working agent)

  • Loss no more than 1 percent IP exchanges, VoIP networks

  • Average one-way jitter targeted at less than 30 ms

  • Optional: Voice traffic should be marked to DSCP EF per the QoS Baseline and RFC 3246

  • When using a firewall, the customer must configure and change it for the VoIP and data stream to allow communication between the on premise instance, its phones and the Daktela platform

  • Disabled SIP-ALG on LAN devices and firewall, as default. May be enabled in some specific cases.

  • Due to their complexity, Daktela doesn’t provide support for customer LAN infrastructure and firewalls!

  • Professional LAN network infrastructure based on min. full duplex 100 Mbit/s switches and of type CAT5e or better.

  • The network must not run at full capacity even during peak hours. Adequate capacity must be available for the anticipated voice traffic. It is ideal to separate and prioritise the telephony data, e.g. via VLAN.

  • Separate switches for IP phones and PCs are recommended for high volume data exchange over the local network.

  • IP phones must be assigned a valid IP configuration including internet gateway designated for voice traffic by means of a DHCP server.


Customer uses SIP/SIPS/WebRTC phones to PBX in Daktela Cloud

  • allow established connections

  • outgoing 80/tcp, 443/tcp, 443/udp to IP list (web)

  • outgoing 5060/udp, 5060/tcp, 5061/tcp, 8089/tcp to IP list (sip)

  • outgoing 10000-20000/udp to IP list (rtp stream) 

  • incoming - it depends on what kind of NAT they have (rtp stream)

    • UDP traffic is not bidirectional, so the following things must be ensured
      >> allow UDP hole punching on FW/router

    • optionally allow incoming 10000-20000/udp from IP list (rtp stream)

  • outgoing 990/tcp, 44000-44100/tcp to IP list (FTPS cmd and data channel)

  • outgoing 636/tcp (LDAPS) to IP list - optionally enable it depending on whether it uses such a service

Customer uses SIP/SIPS/WebRTC phones to on-premise PBX

  • allow established connections

  • incoming 22/tcp (ssh) from, to on-premise pbx

  • outgoing 10051/tcp (zabbix) from on-premise pbx to

  • outgoing 80/tcp, 443/tcp, 443/udp to IP list (web)

  • outgoing 5060/udp, 5060/tcp, 5061/tcp, 8089/tcp to IP list (sip)

  • incoming 5060/udp, 5060/tcp, 5061/tcp from IP list (sip)

  • outgoing 10000-20000/udp to IP list (rtp stream) 

  • outgoing 80/tcp, 443/tcp, 443/udp from on-premise pbx to (services - sms, social integrations)

  • incoming 80/tcp, 443/tcp, 443/udp from to on-premise pbx (services callbacks - sms, social integrations)

  • incoming - it depends on what kind of NAT they have (rtp stream)

    • UDP traffic is not bidirectional, so the following things must be ensured
      >> allow UDP hole punching on FW/router

    • optionally allow incoming 10000-20000/udp from IP list (rtp stream)

  • outgoing 990/tcp, 44000-44100/tcp to IP list (FTPS cmd and data channel)

  • outgoing 636/tcp (LDAPS) to IP list - optionally enable it depending on whether it uses such a service

IP List

  • Daktela LIR:,,,,,,,,,

  • CloudFlare:,,,,,,

  • :

  • :

  • Backup8 (Donjon):

It is required to add an IP address of your PBX. You can get it via ping -c 1



Min. browser requirements

Daktela supports the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Opera , Safari, Edge

Min. requirements for Daktela Wallboards

Daktela supports the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Opera , Safari, Edge. Wallboards can also run on Smart TVs and LCDs with the latest versions of supported browsers.

Hardware and Phones

Hardware and Phones

Software IP Phones


 While Daktela V6 should work with all of the SW phones above, Daktela provides support only for the Daktela Software Phone.

Hardware IP Phones

  • Suggested HW phones: Yealink IP phones, Cisco SPA, Siemens Gigaset

  • Phone transport set as UDP, allowed codecs G.711 A-law

Min. computer requirements

  • PC with CPU min. 2.0 GHz (4+ cores ), min. 8 GB RAM (16 GB RAM preferred), Audio In/Out

  • MacBook with min. 8 GB RAM (16 GB RAM preferred)

Emails and Tickets

Emails and Tickets

Requirements to Send and Receive Email Using the Daktela Helpdesk

  • Daktela must be the only mail client using the mailbox.

  • The customer must be aware of the allowed quantity of sent emails to prevent blocking etc.

  • The customer must provide:

    • access to the incoming and outgoing mail server.

    • any additional required parameters.

    • the maximum title characters are 128.

SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates

There are generally 3 steps when creating SSL certificates:

  1. Create an RSA (2048–4096 bits) or ECDSA (256–384 bits) private key.

  2. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

  3. Get the CSR signed by a Certification Authority to create an SSL Certificate.

Customers can go through the entire process themselves or ask Daktela for assistance with any of the steps above (paid service) – in this case the customer must provide their:

  • domain

  • company name and address

  • confirmation email address

When customers provide their own certificates to Daktela:

  • The provided private key must not be password protected, or the password must be provided if it is.

  • The format must be PEM (PFX and DER are also accepted).

  • They must provide the Intermediate CA chain from the Certification Authority.

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