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Calls Outbound

Create a New Calls Outbound Queue/Edit a Calls Outbound Queue

Go to Manage → Queues

To create a new queue from scratch, click Add new and select Calls outbound. 

To use an existing queue as a template for your new one, click Clone in the Actions column.

To edit an existing queue, click its title.

The queue details will open.

Each user can only have Automatic or Fixed login to max. 1 outgoing queue (including campaign queues).

To clone an outgoing queue up to version 6.19.x, it is necessary to change these login methods to Manual before cloning.

From version 6.20, when you clone an outgoing queue with users that have these login types, they will be set to Manual automatically in the newly created queue.

Calls Outbound Queue Details

Fill out the Unique queue number, Title and Description (optional), then set up your queue.

Queue Number Auto-Suggestion

Daktela will automatically suggest the next available number based on previous numbers of the same queue type (including deleted ones).

Queue Field Details

Queue Fields Details

Open more settings using the Extended button in the top right corner.



Advanced settings

Allow description

Turn on to activate the description field as part of the activity created using this queue. Agents can enter a description of the activity.

Form save time

Select the time agents have to fill out and save the activity form after the interaction with the customer ends. The "Lazy" pause will automatically be set after this time runs out.

Outbound number

Enter the numbers that are presented to the called party for calls from this queue. If you want to use multiple numbers, separate them with a comma. The numbers are then selected randomly for each call. Leave empty to use default numbers.
Hierarchy of Outbound number settings (lowest to highest): SIP Trunk → User → Queue → Caller IDs.

Wrapup time

Select the amount of time that needs to pass before a new activity can be routed to an agent that has just finished an activity (the length of the Wrap pause).

Multiple statuses

Allow or disallow users to set multiple statuses for activities using this queue.

Tab autofocus

Turn on to automatically open the tab with the activity.

Idle activity notification

Select the time when the toast notification for a long-standing activity will be displayed.


Show monitoring notification to agent

An icon is placed in the call activity showing that call monitoring is active for the specific agent.

Play monitoring audio notification in call

A recording played in the call which notifies the agent about monitoring start and stop. Select your recordings in the fields below.

Recording at monitoring start

Select a recording that will be played when call monitoring is started.

Recording at monitoring stop

Select a recording that will be played when call monitoring is ended.


Record calls

Select if and when calls using this queue should be recorded. Note that these settings can be defined on user and queue level and if they are set differently, the earlier recording option prevails.

Do not record: Calls are not recorded. Note that if this setting is used in the user or queue and the other (user or queue) is set to record calls, the call will be recorded anyway.

Record from call start: Call recording starts from the moment the call first reaches the user or queue (depending on where you are setting up from), which usually includes the ring tone and early media sounds.

Record after call is bridged: Call recording starts when the call parties are connected. This usually eliminates useless time in recordings such as ringing and early media.

Record after call is bridged including call transfer: Call recording will continue even if the call is transferred to another agent or an external number.

Allow call recording interruption

Select if the user or users calling via this queue can pause and resume call recording. Note that if this setting is different in the user or the queue, if one of these is set to "Yes", then recording can be interrupted.

Recording retention

Select how many days to keep recordings of calls made using this queue. The value can't be more than the Maximum recording retention value which is set globally for the entire contact centre.
Leave empty or set to 0 to use the Maximum queue recording retention value

Notification when recording is started

Select notification sound when recording is started

Notification when recording is stopped

Select notification sound when recording is stopped


Use record form

Turn on if you want to use a record form. Don't forget to add the record form to your widgets using the grey Widgets button in the Actions column of the queue list.

Select records

Turn on to allow agents to manually pick and call any campaign records that meet the relevant conditions.

Skip records

Turn on to allow agents to manually pick and call any campaign records that meet the relevant conditions.


Select the campaigns you want to connect with this queue. If a call's phone number is part of a record in one of the campaigns selected here, agents can assign the call to the campaign record in the campaign widget.
Example: Agent Fred opens a campaign form and makes a call but the customer does not answer. The customer calls back when they see the missed call and gets through to agent Jane. She will be able to assign the call to the original campaign and be able to use the the same form as Fred.
If no campaigns are selected, the new record will automatically be created in this queue.

Next targets

Target if answered

Select where the call will be routed after an answered call is ended by the agent.

Macro links (Extended)

Links (Extended)

Set up an external URL, e.g. a customer card, that can be opened when using this queue.
Name: enter the button label that appears when multiple addresses are set up.
URL: enter an external URL address. You can use wildcards that will automatically be replaced with current values (all activity properties are available, e.g. {{user.title}} is the title of the user assigned to the activity).
Open: enable to automatically open the external URL when an agent accepts an activity using this queue.
Unique: when an agent has multiple activities in this queue open at the same time, enable to open each external URL in a separate new window. Disable to open in the same window.
Popup: enable to open the external URL in a popup window instead of a new tab. Set up the width and height of the popup window.

Macro transport (Extended)

Transports (Extended)

Set up predefined activity transfers and invites for agents using this queue.
Title: enter the name that will be displayed in the transfer/invite dropdown menu.
Destination: enter the phone number or queue or user number that you want to transfer to/invite.
Transfer and Invite: turn on the option you want to use or both.



Select a category that will automatically be assigned to tickets created in activities using this queue.

Speech to text


Turn on to use AI to analyse activities in this queue. Every analysed activity uses 100 AI coins. In call queues, AI Topics can only be used in combination with Speech-to-Text. Set up your AI Topics in the field below.

Audio input language

Select the languages that you expect to be used in this queue. The Speech-to-Text converter will select the from this list.

Transcriptions conditions

If you don’t want to transcribe every call in this queue, you can set up conditions that must be met for it to be transcribed.

AI Topics

Use AI Topics

Turn on to use AI to analyse activities in this queue. Every analysed activity uses 100 AI coins. In call queues, AI Topics can only be used in combination with Speech-to-Text. Set up your AI Topics in the field below.

AI Topics setup

Set up instructions for the AI analysis of activities in this queue.

AI Topics Language

AI Topics Language

  • To enable the Speech to Text function, ensure that recording is permitted.

  • To utilise AI Topics, ensure that the Speech to Text function is activated.

Save your queue.

AI Topics Best Practices

AI Topics Best Practices

Cheat Sheet Summary:

  • Be clear, concise, and specific.

  • Focus on one task at a time.

  • Use English with proper grammar.

  • Provide examples for guidance.

  • Account for common errors.

  • Specify relevant sections of content.

  • Iterate and test for improvement.

  • Use contextual details wisely.

Tip #1: Be Clear and Specific

Motivation: Ensuring your prompt is direct and unambiguous helps the AI produce accurate, focused results.


  • Use concise language and simple sentence structures.

  • Break down complex requests into smaller, logical parts.


  • Don’t mix multiple concepts or questions into one prompt.

  • Don’t include irrelevant details or filler words.


  • Yes: “Summarize this text in two sentences.”

  • No: “I’d like a summary, but make it short and also explain why it’s important.”

Tip #2: Ask for One Thing at a Time

Motivation: Limiting your request to a single objective prevents confusion and improves the AI’s precision.


  • Separate multiple requests into individual prompts.

  • Keep each prompt focused on one clear outcome.


  • Don’t cram multiple, unrelated tasks into one prompt.

  • Don’t expect the AI to infer which part of the request to prioritize.


  • Yes: “Translate this sentence into French.”

  • No: “Translate this sentence and explain the grammar rules.”

Tip #3: Use English for Clarity

Motivation: English is commonly used in training data, increasing the likelihood of well-understood prompts.


  • Write in standard English with proper grammar.

  • Use clear vocabulary and avoid idiomatic expressions.


  • Don’t use foreign languages in the prompt unless necessary.

  • Don’t rely on slang or highly localized terms.


  • Yes: “Summarize this paragraph.”

  • No: “Can u do a lil recap of this, like quickly?”

Tip #4: Provide Examples

Motivation: Examples guide the AI by showing what you want and what you don’t.


  • Include a “Yes” example demonstrating the desired output.

  • Include a “No” example showing what to avoid.


  • Don’t assume the AI automatically knows the correct style.

  • Don’t leave examples too vague or contradictory.


  • Yes: “Correct this sentence: ‘She don’t like apples.’ Output: ‘She doesn’t like apples.’”

  • No: “Fix the grammar issues here.”

Tip #5: Account for Speech-to-Text Errors

Motivation: Transcripts may contain mistakes, so being flexible with wording helps capture the right meanings.


  • Mention approximate or similar words you’d accept, combined with examples.

  • Consider phonetic variations or common transcription errors (e.g., “their” vs. “they’re”).


  • Don’t rely solely on exact keyword matches.

  • Don’t ignore the possibility that words might be misspelled.


  • Yes: “Look for phrases like ‘in summary’ or similar wording.”

  • No: “Only consider the exact phrase ‘to sum up.’”

Tip #6: Focus on Specific Segments of the Conversation

Motivation: Pinpointing a part of the dialogue (e.g., the greeting) helps the AI concentrate on the most relevant content.


  • Indicate a precise section (e.g., “Look at the first 30 seconds”).

  • Highlight a particular event or phase (e.g., “After identity verification”).


  • Don’t ask the AI to review the entire call if only a snippet matters.

  • Don’t expect the AI to guess which part you care about.


  • Yes: “Summarize the customer’s issue mentioned after the agent’s greeting.”

  • No: “Summarize the conversation.”

Tip #7: Iterate and Refine

Motivation: Prompt quality improves over time as you learn what works and what doesn’t.


  • Adjust phrasing based on previous results.

  • Keep track of changes and their effects on output quality.


  • Don’t give up after the first attempt.

  • Don’t ignore patterns in the feedback you receive.


  • Yes: “Simplify this sentence: ‘The phenomenon can be explained in the following manner.’”

  • No: “Make this easier to read.”

Tip #8: Don’t Be Afraid to A/B Test

Motivation: Experimenting with different prompt variations can reveal which format yields the best results.


  • Test multiple prompt structures and compare outcomes.

  • Record results to identify winning formats.

  • Test both small adjustments (e.g., phrasing) and drastically different structures.


  • Don’t assume the first prompt is optimal.

  • Don’t forget to measure performance over several trials.


  • Test 1: “Explain why the sky is blue in simple terms.”

  • Test 2: “Why does the sky appear blue? Use plain language.”

Tip #9: Use Contextual Details Wisely

Motivation: Including relevant background info can help the AI better understand the scenario.


  • Provide necessary context (e.g., role of speakers, call purpose).

  • Mention pertinent details that guide interpretation.


  • Don’t overload the prompt with irrelevant background.

  • Don’t omit crucial information that the AI needs to perform well.


  • Yes: “Rewrite this sentence in formal tone: ‘Hey, can you help me out with this issue?’ Context: Email to a manager.”

  • No: “Rewrite this sentence in a formal tone.”

Additional Tips:

  • Tone Matching: The tone of your prompt (formal, casual, instructive) can influence the output. Be explicit about the desired tone when relevant.

  • Example: “Explain this to a 10-year-old” vs. “Explain this to a professional audience.”

To make your queue work correctly:

After you are done creating your Calls outbound queue, make sure you have set up an outbound call routing.


Don't forget to set up:

  • which Agents can use the queue.

  • the queue's relations.

  • the queue's widget scheme.

See Queues for instructions.

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