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Email Routings

Use email routings to set up rules that define what happens to your emails before they reach the Tickets module.

Examples of use include: 

  • Route emails from addresses containing "noreply" to a "Do not reply" category.

  • Identify emails from VIP customers by their domain and give them a high priority.

  • Sort emails with "complaint" in the subject to a special category.

Manage Your Routings

Manage Your Routings

The Email routings page displays a list of your routings. Search for a routing using the Fast search field or press Filter for more filtering options. See Filtering for detailed instructions.

Use the buttons in the top right corner of the page to manage your routings.

  1. Bulk change selected routings. Button only appears when one or more routings are selected.

  2. Bulk delete selected routings. Button only appears when one or more routings are selected.

  3. Add a new routing.

  4. Export existing routings. See Export and import routings.

  5. Import new routings. See Export and import routings.


Click the Title of a routing to see its detail and to edit it. See Add new routing to find out how to set up your routing.

You can bulk edit routings by selecting them and clicking Change (1 on the screenshot above). See Bulk edit for detailed instructions.

Duplicate and delete

Use the action buttons at the end of each line to duplicate or delete a routing. 

See Add new routing to find out how to set up your duplicate routing.

You can bulk delete routings by selecting them and clicking Delete (2 on screenshot above). See Bulk delete for detailed instructions.

Add a New Routing

Add a New Routing

Click the Title to open its details or click Add new to create a new email routing. 

Title: enter name.

Description: enter description.

Direction: Select one of the option listed below.

  1. Incoming – routing applies to all emails received at the address set up in the email queue.

  2. Outgoing – routing applies to emails sent using the green New email button (does not apply to emails sent from tickets).

  3. Bidirectional – a combination of Incoming and Outgoing (does not apply to emails sent from tickets).


  1. Set up your filtering rules. You can add or remove lines using the buttons at the end of each line. 

    1. All of these conditions must be met: the action will only be performed if all of these are met at the same time.

    2. Or one of the following: the action will be performed if at least one of these is met, along with all the conditions set in a. above (if any).

  2. In the first column, select the subject of the condition, e.g. sender.

  3. In the middle column, select the comparison operator, e.g. ends with.

  4. In the last column, enter the value that will be compared, e.g ".com".


  1. Define the action you would like performed when the conditions you have set up are met. You can add or remove lines using the buttons at the end of each line. 

    1. In the first column, select the parameter of the email that should be changed, or select Delete if you would like to delete the email.

    2. In the second column, select the target value of the parameter. If you have selected Delete in the first column, leave the second column empty.

  2. Click Save to add your new routing.

Export and Import Routings

Export and Import Routings

Export Routings

Select the routings you would like to export and click Export. See Export for detailed instructions.

Import Routings

You can only import Title, Description and Direction. You will need to set up routing actions manually for each routing.

  1. Click Import in the top right corner of the Email routings page. The Import dialog will open.

  2. Download a template in .xlsx or .csv format. If you prefer, you can use your own file – you will have to manually pair your columns if they are in different order.

  3. Fill out the import file. Title and Direction are mandatory fields. Use IN, OUT or INOUT (capitals) in the Direction column – any other values will return an error.

  4. Select your file or drag and drop it into the Import dialog. Click Next.

  5. Set up your import settings.

    • Use first line: select yes if your columns don't have titles and you would like to include the first line in the import.

    • Import unique name: select yes if your upload file has a column with a Unique name. If you are using the template, it does not contain a Unique name column.

    • Duplicity check: select yes to check for duplicate entries. Checks the Title column by default. If Import unique name is selected, checks this column.

    • When found skip: select yes to skip duplicate entries. If you select No, you can set up the action to take if a duplicate is found in the next step.

    Click Next when done.

  6. Drag the column names to the correct fields. If you used the template, the columns will already be mapped correctly. You can also use the grey buttons next to the Columns heading to pair the columns by title or by order or to remove the current pairings.
    Click Next when done.

  7. You will see an overview of the routing titles that are to be imported. You can save your settings for future use (bring them up using the dropdown menu next to the Import button on the main Email routings page).
    Click Import.

  8. Wait for the process to finish. If your import has finished successfully, you will see a notification at the top of your screen. Click the Load new data button to see your new routings.
    If there were any errors, an error log will automatically download. Open it, resolve any errors and repeat the process if necessary.

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