Go to Reporting → Reports to group together statistics that you use often and to open them all at once in a report. You can also set up automatic email reporting.
Create a New Report/Edit a Report
To create a report:
from scratch, click Add new in the top right corner.
using an existing report as a template, click Clone in the Actions column.
To edit an existing report, click its title.
The report details will open.
Fill out the Title and Description.
Set up the default Time range for the statistics in your report.
Unlike in Statistics, the time range in Reports is relative so you can keep using the report without having to change dates. Use one of the presets or enter your own time range.Use natural language to define your desired time. Example: use “- 1 week”, “6 days”, “5 hours”.
Afterwards check the tooltip
to see the resulting time. If your tooltip is greed - then setting is valid; if it’s red - the system failed to calculate the time from your input.
How to Enter Dates and Times
You can type dates and times using natural phrases. Here are some examples to guide you:
Simple Dates:
next Monday
last Friday
in 3 days
2 weeks ago
Specific Dates:
October 21
December 25, 2023
Times of Day:
10 am
3:30 pm
Combined Dates and Times:
tomorrow at 5 pm
next Friday at 2:30 pm
October 31 at midnight
Relative Expressions: Use words like in and ago for times relative to now.
in 4 hours
3 days ago
Week and Month References: Mention parts of the week or month.
end of the month
start of next week
Combining Elements: Be as specific as you need.
next Tuesday at noon
first day of next month
Examples for Scheduling:
To set a recurring report for every Monday at 9 am, enter: next Monday at 9 am
To schedule an event for two days from now, type: in 2 days
You can now set up to receive your report by email and select the statistics you want to include in your report.
Send Report to Email
Create a new report or edit an existing one to open the report details.
Select the email frequency in Repeat once per. Select Do not send if you only want to view the reports in Daktela.
Set the date and time of the first email in Report send time. All subsequent emails will be sent at the same time +1 day, +1 week or +1 month.
Enter the email addresses that should receive the report. Separate addresses with commas.
Excel exports, including reports sent by email, will only contain data, not graphs, and will be in the contact centre default language.
Reports sent by email will always be in the contact centre's default language, regardless of the language used by the user who set the report up. Go to Manage → Global settings to select your default language.
Select Statistics
Create a new report or edit an existing one to open the report details.
Drag statistics from the Statistics list and drop them into the report field. Click the Split button to set up multiple columns and adjust their width using the plus and minus signs buttons.
Toggle Time range to Yes if you want to use the default time range set up in the report's general settings. If you toggle to No, set up the individual time range in the next step.
Click the Settings button to open further filters and settings:
Show parts: select if you only want to see the graph or the data (grid) in the report. Leave empty if you want both. Excel exports, including reports sent by email, will only contain data, not graphs.
Time: set up a time range if you do not want to use the default one from 2. above.
Select the Users and Queues you want to include in the statistic. Leave empty to include all.
Set up any other filters – they are the same as in Statistics.
Save your report.
View Report
In the Report list, click the blue Report button in the Actions column to view your report.
Click Filters in the top right corner to display the filters for each statistic. You can then change them for each statistic individually, just like in Statistics.
Any changes to filters you make while displaying the report cannot be saved.
Click Excel export to download the report in .xslx format. Excel exports will only contain data, not graphs, and will be in the contact centre default language.
Click PDF export to download the report in .pdf format. PDF export will contain data, graphs, and will be in the contact centre default language.