Go to Listings → Interactions → Viber to see a list of your contact centre Viber interactions.
You can only see interactions of users and queues you have rights to. Go to Manage → Users → Rights → your user → Users/Queues tabs to set up which users and queues you have rights to. If you don't have access to these settings, ask you manager.
What is the difference between an interaction and an activity?
An interaction occurs when a customer is on the phone or chatting. An interaction can contain sever activities, e.g. when a call is transferred to another agent.
An activity occurs when an agent is working on the interaction – this can be before the interaction is created, during it or after it has ended.
Here is a simple example of an incoming call where the agent fills in a form after the call ends.

Legend: Interaction | Activity | Talk Time
tA: the incoming interaction (call) enters the queue.
tB: the agent accepts the interaction, the agent activity and the processing are created at the same time.
tC: the interaction is ended by the agent or customer, the interaction and processing end.
tD: the activity is completed by the agent after they fill in and save the form.
For more examples and an in-depth description, see Theoretical background for using Daktela V6.
Viber Chat List
Viber Chat List
When you open Viber, the Time filter will be set to Today by default. If you want to see a different time period, select one of the presets or set up your own.
You can also filter by User and Queue (and their groups), Contact and Sender (this will also filter the recipient). Check the Crossed out eye symbol to view deactivated users and queues. Click Search to apply your filter.
You can also use the Advanced filter just above the Search button.
To sort your interactions by a column, click its title. Click it again to reverse the sorting.
Click Export to open the Export dialog where you can download a table with your interactions in .xlsx or .csv format. See Bulk Operations for detailed export instructions.
See Column name overview for a description of individual columns in the list and export file.
Interaction Details
Interaction Details
Click the Eye button in the Actions column to open the interaction details.
If you need to send a link of the interaction details to someone, you can use this format – followed by your interaction's Unique name. You can find the Unique name in the interaction details in the Activity tab.
When someone opens the link, the interaction details will open straight away.
The top of the detail contains a list of activities that are part of the interaction. You can:
open the contact or account in the CRM module, pair with an existing contact or add a new one.
open the associated ticket or merge the activity with a ticket.
open or add new QA review.
There are two tabs below the activity list:
The Vbr tab contains info about the interaction. See Column name overview for a description of individual items.
You can start a new activity by clicking the Viber icon.
The Chat transcript is underneath.
You can see the process the interaction went through in your contact centre at the bottom in Process of vbr.
The Activity tab contains info about the activity selected in the List of activities. If there is more than one activity in the interaction, select the activity you want to see by clicking its title.
Focus time: The amount of time the agent spent working on the activity with the activity tab focused.
Example: When an agent is working on two chats at the same time, switching from one to the other, Focus time in chat 1 is stopped every time the agent clicks chat 2 and vice versa.
Focus disruptions: How many times the agent's work on this activity was interrupted by another activity or by opening another module.
Focus time anomaly
If the yellow warning triangle is displayed in the Focus time field, then the displayed Focus time may not be accurate.
This can happen e.g. when the agent's computer shuts down unexpectedly or there are issues with their internet connection.
Anonymise Interaction
Click the Anonymise button at the bottom of the interaction details to delete all CRM contact related data, recordings, attachments, chat messages, email body etc.
Column Name Overview
Column Name Overview
A description of column names in the Messenger chat list and export file.
Title | Description |
Time | The date and time of the interaction/activity. |
Queue | The queue used for the interaction/activity. |
User | The agent who handled the interaction/activity. |
Contact | The contact associated with the interaction/activity. If empty, pair the interaction with a contact using the + button. |
Viber contact / External contact | The name of the Viber account. |
Title | The name of the interaction – contact name will be used if available. |
Answered | Whether the interaction was answered or not. |
Wait time | The time the interaction spent in the queue. |
Duration | The duration of the interaction/activity. |
Ended/Disconnection | Shows if the interaction was ended by the agent or the customer. |
Connector | The Viber routing used with the queue. |
Missed | Missed interactions that have not been contacted back. 0 = no longer displayed in Missed activities. 1 = displayed in Missed activities, NO = missed activity has been contacted back. |
Missed time | The time the interaction was missed. |
Direction | Displays if the interaction was incoming or outgoing. |