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List of Users

Go to Manage → Users → List of users to set up the individual users in Daktela.

Create a New User/Edit a User

Create a New User/Edit a User

When you open Manage → Users → List of users, you will see a list of your users.

To create a new user from scratch, click Add new in the top right corner.

To use an existing user as a template for your new one, click Clone in the Actions column.

To edit an existing user, click their title.

The user details will open.

User Details

User Details

Fill out the user's details. Mandatory fields are Title, Access, Rights, Password, Record calls and Extension.




Enter the user's name.

Login name

The user will use this to log in. Can't be changed later.


Enter a description.

Call steering description

Enter key words that will help the call steering application route calls to the user.

Backoffice user

Turn on to make this user a backoffice user. When turned on, Password will no longer be a mandatory field.


Used to authenticate the user when making API requests. Filled in automatically.


Select what type of Access the User will have. Accesses define which Daktela modules in the main menu the user will have access to. You can set up your Accesses in Manage → Users → Accesses.

Can only be changed while the user is logged out (with the exception of Bulk Edit Rights and Accesses).


Select what type of Rights the User will have. Rights define what the user can do in the modules they have access to. You can set up your Rights in Manage → Users → Rights.

Can only be changed while the user is logged out (with the exception of Bulk Edit Rights and Accesses).

Verify type

Select how the user can log in:

  • Password – regular user name and password

  • Active Directory

  • Azure AD

  • Generic OAuth 2.0 SSO

  • Google

All methods except Password require prior configuration in Manage → Integrations.


Enter a password. Your password should contain at least six characters and a combination of capital letters, numeric and special characters.

If you select a different verify type than Password, this field is only active if Allow OAuth Passwords is on in Manage → Global settings.

Authentication email

Enter an email address that the user can use to log in.

Notification email

Enter an email where notifications should be sent.


Enter an alias. It can be used instead of the agent's name in chats.

User Picture

User's picture used for example as a Web chat avatar. Use square format for best results. Allowed file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif
Maximum file size: 20.00 MB.


Enter the user's signature that will automatically be added to the end of emails they start composing.

Call forwarding number

Enter a phone to which all calls to the user will be forwarded. To stop forwarding, delete the number here or in Log in and out of devices.

Call forwarding to a public phone number can incur call charges according to your tariff and operator.

Record calls

Select if and when calls should be recorded.

Allow call recording interruption

Select if the user or users calling via this queue can pause and resume call recording. Note that if this setting is different in the user or the queue, if one of these is set to "Yes", then recording can be interrupted.

Static login

If static login is turned on, the user will be Ready as soon as they sign in to Daktela and will not be allowed to Switch to Unready.

Outgoing identification

Enter the phone number that will be presented to callees.

Hierarchy of Outbound number settings (lowest to highest): SIP Trunk → User → Queue → Caller IDs.


An extension is an internal number that can be linked with several SIP devices and external numbers. Can only be changed when the user is logged out.

We recommend using 3 digit numbers and to skip 1XX to avoid EU emergency numbers.

Custom ACL

Select call permitions for the user.


Select SIP devices, external numbers and MS Teams devices. The list also contains devices the user is currently logged in to!

Ringing times

Select how long the call will ring on each of the devices selected.


Select where the call will be routed if the user is not reached.

Save the User.

Select Groups

Select Groups

Click Groups in the Relations column to select which Groups each user should be part of.

Go to Manage → Settings → Groups to manage your Groups.

Deactivate or Delete a User

Deactivate or Delete a User

Click the Deactivate button in the Actions column of the user list. A dialog window will open, informing you that:

  • Any open activities the user has will be closed.

  • The user will be logged out.

  • The user will be removed from any Campaign Records.

Confirm to Deactivate.

After you deactivate a user, you can delete them.

Difference between deactivated user and deleted user

Deactivated User: user will be remove from queues and activites and will be hidden in the list. You can reactivate a deactivated user.

Deleted User: user will be deleted from your domain pernamently.

How to Activate the Deactivated User

How to Activate the Deactivated User

To reactivate a user, first tick the Show deactivated checkbox at the top to of the list of users to display your deactivated queues.

Click user you want to activate. The users details will open:

  • Select right and accesses for the user.

  • Enter a new password.

  • Enter authentication email

Save the user.

Bulk Edit Rights and Accesses

Bulk Edit Rights and Accesses

If you need to bulk edit user Rights and Accesses from version 6.20, you don't need to log the users in question out beforehand. Simply follow the instructions for a Bulk edit – the users will automatically be logged out while you are applying the changes.



Click the Licence button above the list of your Users to open an overview of you licence use. If you need to change your number of licences, please contact Daktela.

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