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Agent Greetings

Go to Manage → Settings → Agent Greetings to record and manage recordings that you can play back during calls – either automatically after you answer or manually.

Create a New Greeting / Edit a Greeting

Create a New Greeting / Edit a Greeting

Go to Manage → Settings → Agent greeting to see a list of the greeting. 

To create a new Agent greeting, click add new.  

To use an existing Agent greeting as a Template for your new one, click Clone in the Actions column. 

To edit an Agent greeting, click its title. 

The Agent greeting details will open. 

Greeting Details

Greeting Details

Fill out the Title and Description (optional), then set up your status settings:




Code to call from the phone. May only contain numbers and signs "* #"


Select user for the recording.


Select queue for the queue.

Save your greeting.

Set up a Recording

Set up a Recording

Click the Add recording button to start. If your greeting already had a recording, you will need to confirm that you would like to overwrite it. If you don't have any greetings yet, create a greeting first.

The Record/Upload new own recording window will open.

There are 2 ways to set up your recording.

  1. Select a recording from your computer or drag and drop it into the grey area around the Select files button. Click Save.

  2. Record your greeting over the phone. Click Continue and follow the on-screen instructions. You must be logged in and ready to record your greeting over the phone.

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